IS2225: Policies & Info

Course Description
Gives introductory Interdisciplinary Studies students a structured opportunity to frame and plan a deliberate and thoughtful interdisciplinary program of study. Students create a non-binding Interdisciplinary Studies contract related to their own personal goals and interests and a multimedia presentation with an accompanying long paper that outlines their own educational philosophies and plans for interdisciplinary study.

This course is a Technology In the Disciplines TECO course.

Course Objectives
Satisfactory completion of this course will enable a student to:

  1. Identify the key PSU stakeholders in the IDS major (peers, profs, admin.)
  2. Articulate the requirements of the PSU Interdisciplinary Studies program
  3. Partner with a scholar-advisor as their mentor
  4. Present a polished Interdisciplinary Studies essay and contract
  5. Define “interdisciplinarity,” informed by existing models
  6. Articulate their own educational philosophies and plans for interdisciplinary studies in multimedia and written formats
  7. Use a Personal Learning Network (PLN) to develop connections to their scholarly and professional communities of practice; stay current in their fields; and contribute in an ongoing way to the knowledge commons
  8. Do/understand/create/think about other things that emerge from their learning in the course that we can’t even imagine yet!

Course Requirements:

Credit in this course is given for fully participating in all of the work of the course. Don’t worry about your grades. Engage with the work and do it all, and be willing to improve when you get feedback and you will thrive here.

  • ePort: You will own your own domain and build your own website, which we will use as an ePortfolio and workshop space for ideas throughout the course.  If you prefer to work in a private setting, please see me to discuss it and you can use Mahara, Moodle, or a three-ring binder. CREDIT: satisfactory ePort site with basic functions as described in checklist.
  • PLN: Most of you will use Twitter as you begin to build your own Personal Learning Network (PLN). You will be graded on your engagement with Twitter and the other networks related to your field. If you prefer not to use Twitter, please submit an alternate plan that will allow you to read work from your field and contribute your ideas back into the network. CREDIT: consistent weekly engagement with your networks as evidenced in your final portfolio or Storify.
  • You will use to annotate our course readings. You may use your real name or a pseudonym as a username for this tool. CREDIT: you annotate 100% of the required readings.
  • Assignments: This includes all ePort assignments and any other small things we have along the way. CREDIT: all assignments are completed and deemed shareable by instructor, peer reviewer, and author (no more than two assignments turned in past the due date). Each assignment will receive the greenlight when it is satisfactorily completed.
  • Final Exam: This includes the take-home essay and the in-class reaction essay. CREDIT: both completed with the take-home essay satisfying the rubric questions.
  • ADDITIONAL: It is recommended that to maximize your likelihood of passing this course, you visit the Writing Center with your IDS Application Statement and you submit your IDS application on time.
  • WIGGLE ROOM: One wiggle. Maybe you miss a week on the PLN. Or miss one reading or assignment. Or are late on something, making for three late submissions. Or your ePort is missing one element. Anyway, you have a small bit of wiggle room. Need more? Come see me right away to explain your extenuating circumstances; my goal is to help you learn, and I never want to stand in your way. But remember, a “PASS” in this course is not a D-. A “PASS” means you did the work, engaged, and made a contribution across all the domains of the class.

Strive for perfect attendance in this class.

Required Text
There are no required texts to purchase for this course, which will make use of Open Educational Resources, free digital materials, and student-generated texts.

Basic Needs
If you have trouble affording food, securing shelter, or finding childcare or transportation services to enable you to attend school, please let Robin or any IDS Staff member know so that we can assist you. Remember that the IDS Office has an in-house food pantry in Lamson 003 where you can get supplies if you are hungry (we also stock feminine products, gas cards, and a few other basics). We are committed to helping you get your needs met so that you can focus on your studies.

Academic Integrity
You must adhere to the Academic Integrity policy as outlined in the PSU Academic Catalog.

Plymouth State University is committed to providing students with documented disabilities equal access to all university programs and facilities. If you think you have a disability requiring accommodations, you should contact Campus Accessibility Services (CAS), located in the Center for Student Success in Mary Lyon residence hall (535-3300) to determine whether you are eligible for such accommodations. Academic accommodations will only be considered for students who have registered with CAS. If you have a Letter of Accommodation for this course from CAS, please provide the instructor with that information privately so that you and the instructor can review those accommodations.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.